Travel accident advantage
Your benefits

The cardholder receives compensation for disability or death as a result of travel accidents. The insurance is valid worldwide and for an unlimited number of trips per year.

The travel accident advantage insurance applies worldwide – no matter where and how many times a year the cardholder takes a business trip.

The maximum amount paid out by the insurance company per claim is CHF 500,000.
Travel accident advantage at a glance
Insurance coverage:
- During the entire duration of the trip
- For an unlimited number of trips per year
- Worldwide
Insured persons:
- Cardholder
- Employees
- Consultants
- Guests
- Family members and persons living in the same household
Amount insured:
- Up to CHF 500,000 per claim
Insurance partner:
- ERV, Branch office of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd
Available with several credit cards including
Cornèrcard Business Classic
- Ideal for business purchases and travel expenses
- Credit cards in CHF, EUR and USD
- Cost control and transparency
Cornèrcard Business Gold
- Generous spending limit
- Credit cards in CHF, EUR and USD
- Cost control and transparency
Cornèrcard Miles & More Business Classic combo offer
- 5,000 miles welcome bonus
- Business travel insurance included
- Collect award miles with 2 cards
Do you have any questions?
Contact us via phone at +41 91 800 41 50. Our specialists are at your disposal for a personal consultation.
The insurance for travel accident Advantage
For the whole company
The cardholder, employees, consultants, guests as well as family members and persons living in the same household and accompanying the cardholder on a business trip are all insured.
Anywhere in the world
Business travel accident insurance with the Cornèrcard applies to accidents while travelling worldwide.
Start and end
The insurance begins as soon as Cornèrcard has issued the card and ends when the credit card is cancelled or expires.
Cornèrcard is part of the Cornèr Group.